AK 47/74 Mil-Spec Polymer Furniture Set. Made of a durable fiber reinforced polymer, this material has excellent heat resistance and is resistant to scratches, dents, etc. Includes upper and lower handguard, butt stock and pistol grip. Comes with butt plate and swivel, these parts will be included but may not be installed onto stock. Does not come w/ upper handguard retainer clip. Does not include pistol grip screw & nut. Brand New U.S. Made. Great for 922r compliance!
We also have pistol grip screws available here: https://www.royaltigerimports.com/product-p/101408255.htm
We also have pistol grip screw nuts available here: https://www.royaltigerimports.com/product-p/10140925.htm
Visit our friends at Milsurp Munitions, they make correct new production ammunition for C&R and Antique Firearms.
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