B grade 1891/28 Carcano Carbine 6.5X52 Second Model TS from Ethiopia


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B grade Carcano 1891/28 Carbines for Special Troops, 2nd Model. Chambered in 6.5×52 Carcano. All carbines are in fair condition and are functional. These carbines came from Ethiopia. These carbines have worn finish as shown by the photos above. The stocks are in fair condition on these guns, but they may have some cracks, scratches, dings, and handling wear as they are at least 70-100 years old. Please note these rifles may be missing some small parts such as the extractor, front sight, some rear sight components, sling swivel screws, etc. Upper handguards are in fair condition and there may be cracks if the handguard is present. Some rifles do not have upper handguards. Upper handguard may be loose fitting. Bores vary from poor to fair. Does not include cleaning rod.

C&R or FFL required.

These Carcano carbines require an en-bloc clip to load the magazine.

We offer reproduction clips for sale here:

Carcano En Bloc Clips for 6.5 & 7.35 Carcano (Steel with all markings)

Brass Carcano En Bloc Clips for 6.5 & 7.35 Carcano



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